This is the first in a series of blog posts that will highlight some specifics of how the Truss RTO software system works. Today’s video walks you through the complete online booking process for a short course from start to finish, exactly as a student would see it.

We start on the course booking calendar which shows a simple list of example short courses. If your RTO offers an array of short courses, units or programs, booking dates are separated by course type further down the page.

As we continue with the booking process, the student completes some basic information for the short course so that the Truss RTO system can take payment online and reserve themselves a spot in the course. These basic pieces of information can be configured by you as an RTO, for example you could include LLN, Student Handbooks or optional electives.

Once the basic information is collected, the student completes an online checkout and pays for their booking using a preferred payment method. Truss RTO supports credit card transactions as well as "offline" payments such as Cash or Cheque. NOTE: At this stage this is not yet an enrolment, merely a booking to reserve the space, this creates a "Pending Invite" to collect the final part of the student's details. Truss RTO also allows you to configure workflows for you to perform eligibility checks before the enrolment occurs, particularly with funded courses in mind.

Once the booking has been paid for, an email is sent to the student that contains a secure login link, which when clicked allows the student to complete their full AVETMISS details. After recording their USI, address, Past Study and Personal Background questions the student is automatically redirected into the Student Portal.

If a student ever fails to complete the final enrolment stage, Truss RTO can send reminder emails to the student at a frequency of up to once a day, prompting them to complete this information and providing the secure login link again.

Finally when in the student portal, the student can complete any required pre-course work via SCORM packages for online learning, as well as see a reminder of their upcoming course with a map to the course location as well as a starting time & date.

And that's the entire online booking process from first visiting the course calendar page, to being completely enrolled and ready to take part in the course.

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