The August 2018 release of the Truss RTO system brings with it a much-requested update, Contextual Help.
Contextual help will display relevant help articles from the Truss RTO support documentation in a sidebar on your Truss RTO system.

This update is rolling out to all clients, so take note and inform your staff so they can use the newly provided tools.

In the top right corner of any page in your Truss RTO system, you'll see the new ? Icon.

Click this to open up the contextual help menu, the system can see which section you're currently looking at and will display related help documentation if you ever get stuck.

If you want to popout the documentation so you can move it to a second display for example, click the Popout icon.

Note : As the Contextual Help displays in the sidebar, you must be looking at your Truss RTO system from a Desktop or Laptop sized display.


Also included in this update is the Tours system. This is for first time users of the Truss RTO system to go through a quick walkthrough of key sections, like subjects, students and classes.

Upon viewing a section of the Truss system that you've not seen before, you'll see the Tour popup.

Click Next to progress through the tour, you can also click outside of the tour at any stage to cancel and return to the dashboard.

If you want to re-run a tour, you can find these underneath the contextual help articles that display when you click the ? icon.

These updates give our clients help with the pages that they're currently on without having to open the Truss Documentation site in full.
The Truss Documentation website covers more topics about your Truss RTO system in greater detail and is still worth checking out, you can read through it here 

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