Automated Reminders

Let Truss RTO both chase and market to students for you - configure automated reminders to catch missing data or incomplete online tasks, prompt students to renew their qualifications - and more.

  • Deliver by Email or SMS
    SMS (at 10c per message) provides a powerful way to cut through the stream of emails people receive every day - get a student's attention immediately and prompt them to act. Email (free and unlimited with all plans), branded to your RTO, gives you a great way to provide extended information to students, including links directly to content or explanations of the importance of the reminder.

  • Versatile rule engine
    Reminders can trigger before or after milestones, and contingent on course type, who the course is being run for and by, and various conditions relating to the state of their enrolment; chase students whose USIs haven't been supplied or have only filled out partial AVETMISS; chase students who haven't completed eligibility information for CRICOS or Funding - take the drudgery out of keeping information up to date and complete.

Automated student reminders could save your RTO a serious amount of time and money - speak to us today to find out more.