Personalised Deployment

We treat every Truss RTO rollout as a distinct project with distinct needs, because every RTO is unique.

  • Get personal training as part of your onboarding
    We identify who needs specific training in each skill and deliver it to ensure you're comfortable before you start enrolling real students.

  • Get ongoing support from our friendly team
    Phone support is available for every one of our clients, along with emails, support tickets, and our extensive documentation and help resources within the dashboard

  • We help you deal with quirks of your scope
    Need to issue state-level SOTs? Need to handle pre-notification to regulators of specific types of courses? Whatever your left-field needs, we can cover it for you with customised processes.

  • Coming over from another RTO Management System?
    We're able to import all your data sets from other RTO Management systems to make your transition as smooth as possible.